Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Human Resources Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words - 1

Human Resources Management - Essay Example Two other key characteristics of HRM, compared to PM, is that the former is proactive, referring to the long term needs and conditions of the organisation, and it is based on the rule that employee performance is related to employee satisfaction (Pravin 2010, p.12). In opposition, PM addresses only current organisational needs, ‘being reactive in nature’ (Pravin 2010, p.12). Also, PM is ‘employee-centered focusing on existing employee workforce’ (Pravin 2010, p.12). The development of the workforce, in terms of hiring of new employees but also in terms of training of existing employees, is not among the priorities of PM. In Marks and Spencer emphasis is given not only on existing workforce but, mostly, on the continuous development of workforce so that organisational needs, which tend to change continuously, to be addressed (Marks and Spencer 2012). From this point of view, it could be noted that Marks and Spencer is a proactive organisation, promoting emplo yee strategies that aim to respond not only to current but also to future organisational needs (Marks and Spencer 2012). ... is given on contracts of employment where in HRM effort is made so that the communication between the HRM and the employee to be developed out of contracts, b) from the same point of view, in PM following strictly the rules is critical, while no such trend appears in the HRM, while emphasis is given rather on keeping communication and collaboration in the organization at high levels, c) moreover, PM practices are strictly aligned with the organizational practices while for HRM it is more important to follow the organization’s values, which are often ignored in practice, d) in PM the close monitoring of employees’ performance is quite important while in HRM a trend of nurturing employees seems to be promoted; this trend means that employees are offered the chance to review their thoughts and behaviour within the organization so that they are able to respond more effectively to the demands of the tasks assigned to them. P2. Usually, the activities incorporated in HRM aim to support different needs of both the organisation and the employees. For example, reference can be made to the hiring process. This process needs to be carefully designed so that it is effective, leading to the selection of employees that can respond to particular demands of the organisation. The selection process can help an organisation to achieve its goals in the following way: by choosing appropriate staff, managers can secure the successful completion of organisational tasks (DeCenzo and Robbins 2007); in this way, the achievement of organisational goals can be guaranteed. Moreover, payroll, which is also a HRM activity, needs to be fair, so that conflicts within the organisation are avoided. At the same time, payroll needs to be based on the organisation’s performance and future prospects,

Monday, October 28, 2019

Employment Story Essay Example for Free

Employment Story Essay I first joined the army in 1996 and have been part of what most soldiers probably considers as the most important unit of any command, the Food Supply Unit. My battlefield is the kitchen where I rose from the ranks where my army soldier rank promotions became commensurate to my rise in the kitchen ranks. When I became Private First Class in 98, I also earned the title of First Cook. 2001 saw me become a Staff Sergeant on the field and a Senior First Cook in the Mess Kitchen. Currently, I am now Sergeant First Class and serving as the Dining Facility Manager as well. Being a Dining Facility Manager is not an easy job. I have to know how to manage twenty-five people and multi task between meal planning, cooking, and food distribution at base camp and on the field. Sometimes, it can turn into a real headache, especially when I have to accomplish the job in a war zone situation. I have done everything from planning meal drops to soldiers on the field, preparing the commanding officers meals, and when unavoidable, I can plan wedding receptions for my comrades who get married on base camp as well. I believe that I have served both my country and my fellow soldiers well. Together with my unit, I have done duty on two peace keeping missions as well as served in the war. I know that a soldier cannot fight on an empty stomach that is why my priority on the battle field is to make sure that all the units are well fed regardless of the combat situation. When somebody offers me a new job, I always tell that person the story about how I got to combine my two passions in the world into one very important job. Ive always been a patriot and a cook at heart. Working in the army has allowed me to live my dream job. That is to serve and protect my country and the free world while cooking up a storm and learning new recipes while serving on the field.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Republican Plan Should be Vetoed :: Economy Economics Papers

Republican Plan Should be Vetoed I believe that the Republican plan should be vetoed. I am against the resolution for the following reasons. One, the debt is too high as is, and cuts in smaller programs will not dent this tremendous debt. Also, I believe that it is a concern to the economy. In the following paragraphs, I will elaborate. The national debt was 4.9 trillion dollars. This is definitely an unimaginable number for anyone to fathom. To add to this, it was recently passed to raise the limit of the debt to 4.967 trillion dollars, just so the government would have enough to stay in operation. This country is not in constant threat of wars anymore, therefore, I don't see the reason why the national defense should remain high. To my recollection, the U.S. spends more on defense, than anything else. This should be the program to get cut, and not a program beneficial to society such as Medicare or welfare. We need to turn away from funding the nuclear missile to save this country some money One last point on this section, education does NOT need to be touchedby federal cuts, unless the republicans enjoy being the least educated developed country in the world. The reason I believe that the debt is an issue to the economy is as follows. It's the word called inflation. As the debt increses, inflation increases as well. Plus, with the raise on the debt limit, I fear there will be yet another increase in inflation. Cutting the small programs would decrease inflation, but it would happen at a slow rate. At the beginning after all the cuts take place, people would fear spending and would increase savings. All, this would do is to stop the program of decreasing the debt. If, on the other hand. defense was cut, and money programs for Medicare, welfare and education were left alone, I believe that people would increase their spending to a point of slightly decreasing inflation as well, thus stimulating the

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Student Athletes Should Not Be Paid Essay -- College Sports

Student Athletes Should Not Be Paid In the world of college athletics there are endless topics discussed daily and most pertain to money. An issue that falls under this category includes the heated debate involving whether or not student athletes should receive money. Many people say student athletes should receive compensation according to their specific needs because they spend so much time earning their scholarship and have no time to work. On the other hand, the stronger argument is student athletes should not be able to acquire additional funds in order to help aid them through college. An athlete knows what he or she is involving themselves in before any money issue is even brought up. Signing a letter of intent shows that they understand this. But people still feel the opportunity to work a job while competing in a sport is virtually non existent in a division one atmosphere, and therefore athletes need money. When looking at all angles, those that feel athletes should be paid usually have the same arguments. They think because athletes have minimal free time and a lot of the school’s revenue is produced by them, this qualifies athletes to a portion of money. For instance, football and men’s basketball have proven over the years to make the most money for most universities. In fact â€Å"Since 1965, the NCAA increased its revenue by 8000 percent and CBS signed a contract through the year, 2002, for $72 million to cover the NCAA tournament. (â€Å"For Years† par. 5) With these kinds of numbers produced by college athletes many suggest they need to receive a little back. It’s a reasonable thought since athletes are responsible for such an enormous amount of cash flow. The NCAA is often compared to a business and a bu... ...a university and playing a sport at the same time was supposed to be easy or profitable. If a law was to pass regarding college athletes receiving money many things would be different in the future. A major concern involves recruiting. Universities allowed to pay players would be able to buy recruits persuading them to attend the school offering the most money. It’s almost like a free agent in professional sports. Attending the school with the most to offer decreases the likelihood of a fair playing ground for all of college athletics. As a result certain schools would be major powerhouses and it would stay this way forever. Although there are some schools considered powerhouses now, the odds of a school with complete domination would be much more likely. Overall if student athletes begin to get paid, collegiate sports will become corrupted.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Century Genius/Stephen Hawking

The Logical Insurrection Computing Engine was built in 1958. He attended college on scholarships and focused on physics and mathematics. However he showed strong interest in theories. Especially those theories of Einstein; and the theory of relativity and the study of cosmology. In 1963 he met his first wife Jane Wiled and in 1995 they got married but divorced in 1991. Stephen began getting sick when he and Jane got married so the testing began and the news came back that Stephen had ALAS.He was told he had two years to live however he is alive to date. ALAS attacks the nerves and speaking ability, walking, breathing, and swallowing. Stephen communicates with a computer that is connected to his wheelchair. During his marriage token they had three children. The marriage didn't last and they divorced in 1991. He then married Elaine Mason which he divorced in 2006. Hawking worked for 30 years at Cambridge as the Lucian Chair of Mathematics. Sir Isaac Newton once held that position as we ll.Stephens has been the world leader in research on black holes, the birth of the universe, and the nature of space, time and gravity. He has written many best-selling books which have sold millions of copies. â€Å"A Brief History of Time† is a best-seller of Stephens and has been made into a movie. In this book Stephen tries to explain physical and mathematical ideas and calculations without using math. And also a range of subjects in Cosmology including the Big Bang, black holes, light cones and superstring theory. â€Å"A Brief History in Time† stayed on the London Sunday Times est.-selling list for 237 weeks.Stephen has won many awards In his life. He has received the CUBE in 1982 and made Companion of Honor In 1989. 1974 Stephen was elected Fellow of the Royal Society he was one of the youngest to receive this award to date. Stephen is a known Atheists and his belief Is Science will win. With all of Stephens problems and disability he has not let this stop him. He continues to use his mind and remains a strong force In the Science field. References: * penguin Books USA Inc.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Mineral Pictures Index

Mineral Pictures Index If youre interested in rock collecting, you know that rocks you find in the real world rarely look like the polished specimens you see you rock shops or museums. In this index, youll find pictures of minerals like those youll most likely encounter in your expeditions. This list starts with the handful of common minerals called the rock-forming minerals, followed by the most common accessory minerals- youll find them scattered in many different rocks but seldom in large amounts. Next, youll see a set of rare or notable minerals, some of which are common in commercial rock shops. Finally, you can check out some special galleries designed to help you to identify your specimens. Rock-Forming Minerals Rock-forming minerals are among the most common (and least valuable) minerals in the world. They form the basis of igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary rocks, and are used to classify and name rocks. Some examples include: Biotite- Black mica, common in igneous rocks. Calcite- The most common carbonate mineral, making up limestone. Dolomite- Magnesium-rich cousin to calcite. Feldspar- A group making up the most common mineral in the crust. (Feldspar Gallery) Hornblende- The most common mineral of the amphibole group. Muscovite- White mica, found in all kinds of rocks. Olivine- A green mineral found strictly in igneous rocks. Pyroxene- A group of dark minerals of igneous and metamorphic rocks. Quartz- Familiar as crystals and as noncrystalline chalcedony. (Quartz/Silica Gallery) Accessory Minerals   Accessory minerals may be included in any rock you pick up, but unlike rock-forming minerals, they are not a basic part of the rock. In other words, a rock must contain quartz, feldspar, and mica  in order to be classified as granite. If the rock also happens to contain the mineral titanite, the rock is still granite and the titanite is classified as an accessory mineral.  Accessory minerals are also not  particularly abundant, and so they may be more valuable than rock-forming minerals. Some examples include: Andalusite- Makes collectible crossed crystals. Anhydrite- What gypsum becomes deep underground. Apatite- The phosphate mineral making up teeth and bones. Aragonite- Calcites close carbonate cousin. Barite- A heavy sulfate sometimes found in roses. Bornite- Peacock ore copper mineral tarnishes a crazy blue-green. Cassiterite- Ancient and principal ore of tin. Chalcopyrite- Foremost ore of copper. Chlorite- The green mineral of many metamorphic rocks. Corundum- Natural alumina, sometimes known as sapphire and ruby. Epidote- Metamorphic mineral of a pistachio/avocado green color. Fluorite- Every rockhound has a piece of this soft, colorful mineral. Galena- A heavy, glittering mineral, principal ore of lead metal. Garnet Almandine- The true garnet-red garnet mineral. Andradite- Green crystals from central California. Grossular- A greenish garnet illustrated by a well-formed crystal. Pyrope- Wine-colored grains in a California eclogite. Spessartine- A honey-colored set of crystals from China. Uvarovite- Emerald-green crystals from Russia. Goethite- The brown oxide mineral of soils and iron ore. Graphite- The stuff of pencils has more rugged uses too. Gypsum- Shown in its prettiest form, desert roses. Halite- Also known as rock salt, this evaporite mineral sits at your table. Hematite- Iron oxide mineral of many forms including this kidney ore. Ilmenite- Black titanium ore lurks in heavy sands. Kyanite- A sky-blue mineral formed by high-pressure metamorphism. Lepidolite- Lithium mica mineral with a fine lilac color. Leucite- Feldspathoid mineral also called white garnet. Magnetite- Magnetic iron oxide also known as lodestone. Marcasite- Close crystal cousin of pyrite. Nepheline- Feldspathoid mineral well known to potters. Phlogopite- Brown mica mineral closely related to biotite. Prehnite- Bottle-green mineral of low-grade metamorphic rocks. Psilomelane- Manganese oxides make up this black crusty mineral. Pyrite- Fools gold and the most important sulfide mineral. Pyrolusite- The black manganese mineral of dendrites. Rutile- Needles of this oxide mineral occur in many rocks. Serpentine- The group of green minerals that yields asbestos. Sillimanite- Indicator mineral for high grades of metamorphism. Sphalerite- The major zinc ore and an interesting mineral. Spinel- Rugged oxide mineral of metamorphosed limestones. Staurolite- A typical crossed pair of crystals in a mica schist matrix. Talc- The softest mineral of them all. Tourmaline- The common black variety called schorl. Zeolites- Group of low-temperature minerals with many industrial uses. Zircon- Both a gemstone and a precious source of geologic information. Uncommon Minerals and Varieties This collection of minerals includes metals, ores, and gems. Some of these gold, diamond, and beryl for example are among the most valuable and coveted minerals in the world. If you find these in your rock hunting excursions, be sure to keep them safe. Some examples include: Amethyst- The purple form of crystalline quartz. Axinite- Minor silicate of striking crystal form and color. Benitoite- Very blue, very rare and weird ring silicate mineral. Beryl- Gemstone of many names, including emerald. Borax- This household commonplace is mined in desert lakebeds. Celestine- Pale, sky-blue strontium carbonate. Cerussite- Spiky gray lead carbonate. Chrysocolla- Bright green-blue mineral found near copper ore. Cinnabar- Lipstick-red mineral and major ore of mercury. Copper- Native metal shown in its natural wiry form. Cuprite- Red copper ore and sometimes spectacular specimen stone. Diamond- Natural diamond crystal from the Congo. Dioptase- Bright-green crystalline sign of copper deposits. Dumortierite- Blue boron mineral of gneisses and schists. Eudialyte- Striking red vein-maker in nepheline syenites. Fuchsite- Chromium colors this mica mineral a flashy green. Gold- The native metal shown in an Alaskan nugget. Hemimorphite- Handsome pale crusts of hydrous zinc silicate. Herkimer Diamond Quartz- Doubly terminated crystals from New York. Labradorite- The butterfly of the feldspars has dazzling blue schiller. Lazurite- Ancient mineral source of ultramarine pigment. Magnesite- Magnesium carbonate ore mineral. Malachite- Ultra-green copper carbonate, a favorite mineral of carvers. Molybdenite- Soft metallic mineral and ore of molybdenum. Opal- Precious silica mineraloid may display a rainbow of colors. Platinum- Rare crystalline nuggets of the native metal. Pyromorphite- Flashy green lead phosphate mineral. Pyrophyllite- Soft mineral closely resembling talc. Rhodochrosite- Calcites manganese cousin with distinctive rosy color. Ruby- Deep-red gemmy variety of corundum. Scapolite- Streaked clear crystals of metamorphosed limestones. Siderite- Brown iron carbonate mineral. Silver- Wiry specimen of the rare native metal. Smithsonite- Carbonate of zinc appears in many forms. Sodalite- Deep blue feldspathoid and a rock carvers staple. Sulfur- Delicate crystals accumulate around a volcanic vent. Sylvite- Red potassium mineral distinguished by its bitter taste. Titanite- Collectible brown crystalline mineral once known as sphene. Topaz- Hardness and good crystals make it a popular mineral. Turquoise- The most precious phosphate mineral. Ulexite- One of many borate minerals, ulexite forms the unique TV rock. Variscite- This phosphate comes in veins like slabs of green candy. Willemite- Prized by collectors for its bright fluorescence. Witherite- Scarce barium carbonate mineral. Tools for Identifying Minerals It isnt always easy to identify minerals, even if theyre fairly common. Fortunately, there are tools used by geologists to aid in identification. Special tests for luster and streak can help; so too can these galleries of relatively common minerals of different colors. Black Minerals Blue and Purple Minerals Brown Minerals Green Minerals Red and Pink Minerals Yellow Minerals Mineral Habits Mineral Lusters Mineral Streak Mineraloids

Monday, October 21, 2019

An Easy French-English Bilingual Story at the Beach

An Easy French-English Bilingual Story at the Beach Many people travel to France to enjoy its gorgeous beaches. Whether you prefer sunny â€Å"Cà ´te d’Azur†, the windy beaches or â€Å"Arcachon†, the historic â€Å"plages de Normandie† or the wild and rocky coasts of Brittany, you’ll have plenty of sea waters and beaches to choose from when traveling, for real or virtually to France. Explore the vocabulary related to beach activities with this learn French in context  story. This story is written mostly in the present tense and with simple sentence structures, so even beginners can follow the story once they have studied their  French beach vocabulary. And Now, Let's Go to the Beach! Mon mari, ma fille et moi, nous habitons en Bretagne, dans le nord-ouest de la France, en face de lAngleterre, dans une petite ville qui sappelle  «Ã‚  Paimpol  Ã‚ ». Jai de la chance car nous sommes cà ´tà © de la mer, au bord de la Manche plus prà ©cisà ©ment.   My husband, my daughter and myself, we live in Brittany, in the north-west of France, across from England, in a small town called Paimpol. I am lucky since we live by the sea, on the banks of the Channel more precisely. Ma fille Leyla et moi, nous adorons nager. Il y a une petite plage de sable 5 minutes pied de chez nous, et bien sà »r, nous y allons trà ¨s souvent. My daughter Leyla and I, we love to swim. There is a small sand beach five minutes walking distance from our house, and of course, we go there very often. Leyla a dix ans, et elle sait bien nager. Elle a pris des cours de natation la piscine avec son à ©cole, et aussi pendant les weekends, et donc vraiment elle nage bien la brasse, le crawl etc... Mais quand  elle va la plage, elle ne nage pas beaucoup : elle joue dans la mer, saute dans les petites vagues, patauge... Elle boit rarement la tasse, mais à §a arrive. Alors elle tousse, et elle replonge dans l’eau ! Elle aime bien aussi faire de grands chà ¢teaux de sable avec les autres enfants qui sont sur la plage. Leyla is ten, and she is a good swimmer. She took swimming lessons at the pool with her school, and also during the weekends, and therefore she can really swim the breaststroke,  the crawl etc well†¦ But when she goes to the beach, she doesnt swim much: she plays in the sea, jumps in the small waves, splashes around†¦ She rarely accidentally swallows sea water, but it happens. Then she coughs, and dives back in (the water)! She also enjoys making big sand castles with the other kids (who are) on the beach. Faire de la Voile = to go Sailing in French L’autre jour, Leyla a fait une journà ©e de voile avec son à ©cole. Et tout a coup, elle a vu deux dauphins !! Malheureusement, au dà ©but elle a pensà © que c’à ©tait des requins, et elle a eu trà ¨s peur... The other day, Leyla had a sailing outing with her school. And suddenly, she saw two Dolphins !! Unfortunately, at the beginning, she  thought  they  were  two sharks, and she was very scared. C’est un vrai dà ©mà ©nagement lorsque nous allons nous baigner ! Il faut prendre des pelles,  des seaux, un rà ¢teau, des serviettes de plage, et surtout ne pas oublier la crà ¨me solaire. Il fait souvent gris en Bretagne, mais le soleil est toujours l, en dessous des nuages, et il faut toujours mettre de la crà ¨me solaire pour ne pas attraper un coup de soleil. Nous ne prenons pas de  parasol, ni de chaise longue – on est en Bretagne, pas   St Trop’  !! Its like packing for a move when we go swimming! We have to take shovels, pails and a rake, beach towels and above all not forget the  sunscreen!! Its often overcast in Brittany, but the sun is always there, under the clouds, and you should always wear sunscreen so you dont get sunburnt. We dont bring a beach umbrella, nor a beach chair - were in Brittany, not Saint-Tropez !!

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Using a Timer in MS Office VBA Macros

Using a Timer in MS Office VBA Macros For those of us who have our minds deeply into VB.NET, the journey back to VB6 can be a confusing trip. Using a Timer in VB6 is like that. At the same time, adding timed processes to your code is not obvious to new users of VBA Macros. Timers For Newbies Coding a Word VBA macro to automatically time a test that was written in Word is a typical reason for using a timer. Another common reason is to see just how much time is being taken by different parts of your code so you can work on optimizing the slow sections. Sometimes, you might want to see if anything is happening in the application when the computer seems to be just sitting there idle, which can be a security problem. Timers can do that. Start a Timer You start a timer by coding an OnTime statement. This statement is implemented in Word and Excel, but it has different syntax depending on which one youre using.  The syntax for Word is: expression.OnTime(When, Name, Tolerance) The syntax for Excel looks like this: expression.OnTime(EarliestTime, Procedure, LatestTime, Schedule) Both have the first and second parameter in common. The second parameter is the name of another macro that runs when the time in the first parameter is reached. In effect, coding this statement is like creating an event subroutine in VB6 or VB.NET terms. The event is reaching the time in the first parameter. The event subroutine is the second parameter. This is  different from the way it is coded in VB6 or VB.NET. For one thing, the macro named in the second parameter can be in any code that is accessible. In a Word document, Microsoft recommends putting it in the Normal document template. If you put it in another module, Microsoft recommends using the full path: Project.Module.Macro. The expression is usually the Application object. The Word and Excel documentation states that the third parameter can cancel the execution of the event macro in case a dialog or some other process prevents it from running within a certain time. In Excel, you can schedule a new time in case that happens. Code the Time Event Macro This code in Word is for the administrator who wants to display a notification that the testing time has expired and print the result of the test. Public Sub TestOnTime()Debug.Print The alarm will go off in 10 seconds!Debug.Print (Before OnTime: Now)alertTime Now TimeValue(00:00:10)Application.OnTime alertTime, EventMacroDebug.Print (After OnTime: Now)End SubSub EventMacro()Debug.Print (Executing Event Macro: Now)End Sub This results in the following content in the immediate window: The alarm will go off in 10 seconds!Before OnTime: 12/25/2000 7:41:23 PMAfter OnTime: 12/25/2000 7:41:23 PMExecuting Event Macro: 2/27/2010 7:41:33 PM Option for Other Office Apps Other Office applications dont implement OnTime. For those, you have several choices. First, you can use the Timer function, which simply returns the number of seconds since midnight on your PC, and does your own math, or you can use Windows API calls. Using Windows API calls has the advantage of being more precise than Timer. Heres a routine suggested by Microsoft that does the trick: Private Declare Function getFrequency Lib kernel32 _Alias QueryPerformanceFrequency (cyFrequency As Currency) As LongPrivate Declare Function getTickCount Lib kernel32 _Alias QueryPerformanceCounter (cyTickCount As Currency) As LongSub TestTimeAPICalls()Dim dTime As DoubledTime MicroTimerDim StartTime As SingleStartTime TimerFor i 1 To 10000000Dim j As Doublej Sqr(i)NextDebug.Print (MicroTimer Time taken was: MicroTimer - dTime)End SubFunction MicroTimer() As Double Returns seconds.Dim cyTicks1 As CurrencyStatic cyFrequency As CurrencyMicroTimer 0 Get frequency.If cyFrequency 0 Then getFrequency cyFrequency Get ticks.getTickCount cyTicks1 SecondsIf cyFrequency Then MicroTimer cyTicks1 / cyFrequencyEnd Function

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Reseach paper on the tectonic plate and hot spots in Yellow Stone Research

Reseach on the tectonic plate and hot spots in Yellow Stone National Park, Wyoming - Research Paper Example The Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem (GYE) is home to an enormous biodiversity of insects, birds and mammals, all of which are coming under increasing pressure from a growing human population. Human Population and Economics The population of Wyoming alone is estimated to be around 522,830 (Local Census) and the GYR has one of the fastest population growth rates in the U.S. (Hansen et al.). Population growth in the GYR is driven by ecological and social, rather than economic factors, with ‘quality of life’ being the predominant reason stated for relocation reasons. The most common businesses are tourism related or are service industry businesses such as insurance and real estate firms (Rasker and Hansen 30). A large percentage of the population is also retired (Ibid 31). The state GDP as of 2005 was $27.4 billion (Local Census) Historical population levels were far fewer and centered on extraction industries such as mining, logging, grazing and agriculture. These industries now only represent 5% of the region’s economic output (Rasker and Hansen 30). Developments are being built on the 3million acres of privately owned land that was previously used for agricultural purposes. These lands fringe the federally owned parklands of the GYR (Rasker and Hansen 30). ... he GYE Animal populations of the GYE include large and varied populations of herbivorous, insectivorous, and predatory bird species, insects, reptiles, fish and herbivorous, omnivorous and carnivorous mammals. Many of these species are registered as endangered. The grizzly bear is common to the region, as are large herds of grazing ungulates, including some of the last bison and Elk herds in North America. The wolf has also been successfully re-introduced to the region (Yellowstone National Park). Most bird species reside in lowlands where primary productivity is at its highest and the climate most agreeable. This places them directly in competition with human populations for productive lands (Hansen et al.). Geology, Volcanism and Seismicity of the GYE YNP is located in a volcanic caldera or ‘super volcano’ that was formed about 600,000 years ago (kya). The Yellowstone caldera (YC) lies above a ridge centred, mid-continental hotspot/magma plume that continues to be volc anically active (Foulger and Natland 922). The ridge forms the north-easternmost part of one of two volcanic chains in western America that are linked in origin to the Juan de Fuca Plate subducting beneath the North American Plate (Suppe, Powell and Berry 400). The YC is situated at the convergence of the Western U.S. Plate and the North American Plate. The Western Plate’s eastern boundary is fastened to the Yellowstone hotspot and it is slowly drifting eastwards, creating the Great Basin (Suppe, Powell and Berry 400). A volcanic eruption has not occurred since 70kya when lava flows covered much of the region (Brantley et al. 1). The YC continues to be volcanically active, as evidenced by YNP’s famous geothermal features and the high frequency of earthquakes that occur in the region. Thousands

Friday, October 18, 2019

Economic Competitiveness of the EU in the Light of Growing Trade Essay

Economic Competitiveness of the EU in the Light of Growing Trade Expansion from China - Essay Example The study will try to understand the competitiveness by taking into consideration of the emergence of China. However, it is not possible to consider all the above mentioned aspects in accordance to their merit due to space restriction. This can be referred as the major limitation of this report. Trade Deficit between EU and China International trade between EU and China has been increased in last decade, for example, export of EU to China has been increased by 110 billion euro during the year 2000 to 2011 (Eurostat, 2012). However, import from China to EU has been increased by 173 billion euro in the same period of time (Eurostat, 2012). The trend is showing that balance of trade is declining for EU and dependency on Chinese export is increasing. Export and import deficit of EU in context to China can be depicted in the following manner. (Source: Eurostat, 2012) Although the trade deficit between for EU has been decreased from 75 billion euro to 67 billion euro in the first six month of 2012 but still the amount of deficit is large enough to impact the competitiveness of EU. After the economic recession, the trade deficit between EU and China has been improving but still the difference is large enough to affect the economic strength of EU nations. According to the above table only Germany and Finland have trade surplus to china while other European countries have trade deficit with China. However, Germany and Finland were unable to convert the trade deficit into trade surplus prior to recession. Careful analysis of the chart shows that growth rate of export from EU nations to China has been outpaced the growth rate of import from China. For example, export volume of Greece to Chine has been doubled... This essay presents a modern comprehensive analysis of the changing nature of economic relationships between China and European Union. It is shown in the essay, that China gradually improve its level of competitiveness in these relationships, by increasing its exports to the EU, to an extent with the help of such practices as protectionism, intellectual property rights violation and dumping. International trade between EU and China has been increased in last decade, for example, export of EU to China has been increased by 110 billion euro during the year 2000 to 2011. However, import from China to EU has been increased by 173 billion euro. The trend is showing that balance of trade is declining for EU and dependency on Chinese export is increasing. Although the trade deficit between for EU has been decreased from 75 billion euro to 67 billion euro in the first six month of 2012 but the amount of deficit is large enough to impact the competitiveness of EU. After the economic recession, the trade deficit between EU and China has been improving Harsh fact is that there cannot be a single recommendation which can help EU nations to improve its competitiveness in overnight manner. It is shown through that low cost advantage of China cannot be depleted easily by EU manufacturers. EU can use the concept of vertical specialisation to decrease its dependency on Chinese imports and give the domestic players some breathing space. In vertical specialisation model, EU needs to identify sectors which need immediate attention.

Pharmacology Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Pharmacology - Case Study Example Applicable to patients who were diagnosed with hypertension, OConnell (2014: 12) pointed out the idea that â€Å"calcium channel blockers† should be given to those with African origin. Since the patient is an African man, the administration of â€Å"calcium channel blockers† is much better as compared to Maxzide 37.5/25 mg each morning. As such, the best option to improve CF’s blood pressure is to change the patient’s current medication to calcium channel blockers and ACE inhibitors (i.e. Lotrel – amlodipine and benzepril, Teczem – diltiazem and enalapril, or Lexxel – felodipine and enalapril) (Makani et al., 2011). Calcium channel blockers can effectively reduce the patient’s blood pressure by purposely dilating the arteries (Elliott & Ram, 2011). The main reason behind the need to combine the use of calcium channel blockers with ACE inhibitor is not only to increase its effectiveness in treating hypertension but also to prevent the risks of developing peripheral edema caused by the use of calcium channel blocker monotherapy (Makani et al., 2011). The following are the initial dosage of each alternative medication: BMI between 30 to 34 is classified as â€Å"obese 1† whereas BMI between 35 to 40 is classified as either â€Å"obese II or III† (University of Vermont, 2015). The fact that the patient’s BMI is 32 strongly suggests that the patient is obese. To prevent the risks of developing serious organ damage (i.e. stroke or heart failure); patient teaching should focus on the need to encourage the patient to change or modify his lifestyle. In general, BP of more than 140/90 is classified as â€Å"Stage 1† hypertension (OConnell, 2014: 12). Given the fact that obesity is one of the possible causes of hypertension (OConnell, 2014), patient teaching should include weight control through proper diet and

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Time management in the workplace Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Time management in the workplace - Term Paper Example Time management is important in every field of life, such as, in schools, at workplace, or even at home. In the present world, every person has to do many tasks daily, which need him/her to have excellent time management skills because without making a proper schedule, it becomes very difficult for a person to manage the routine tasks efficiently and effectively. Time management in the workplace is a very important concept related to increased workplace productivity. If the employees organize and schedule their time, as it should be, it not only increases their productivity but also increases overall productivity of the company. Without effective time management, it becomes very difficult for the employees to manage their job related tasks in an appropriate manner. Effective time management helps employees organize and learn the ways to spend their time at the workplace, allows employees to utilize the resources efficiently, and makes employees deal with every task with full dedicati on and commitment. Developing an effective schedule for the workplace is extremely important for the employees of any company or organization because it not only helps employees plan for the unplanned works but also makes them more productive and efficient. An important point regarding time management is that it should be able to adapt to the changes in the workplace. Certain things can happen at the workplace, such as, an unexpected work given by the manager, an urgent order placement by a customer, or failure of technology. Therefore, in order to face these kinds of situations, employees need to develop a schedule, which should have some capacity to accommodate unexpected situations. Another important point related to effective time management schedule is the sequence of works. Employees need to put the works in the queue based on the level of priority. Most relevant works should be done first in order to escape from all sorts of time shortage troubles. â€Å"Good time management involves keeping a schedule of the tasks and activities that have been deemed important† (Estes). If an employee does not care for the priority of works while developing the time management schedule, it can create severe problems for the employee in case of any unexpected addition of a task to the schedule. Therefore, adding the tasks in the schedule in the order of their significance is a very important concept regarding effective time management. Some employees need to develop their schedule once a week or once a month whereas some employees need to reschedule their activities on daily basis. Therefore, an important thing for an employee is to look at the nature of the job and develop the time management schedule accordingly. Moreover, employees need to avoid all sorts of distractions in order to become more productive and focused. Employees need to focus towards their work in order to complete their job related tasks within time. Distractions divert the concentration of em ployees affecting their level of productivity. Importance of Time Management Time management at the workplace is a very important concept for every employee working for any company or organization. Time management makes an employee get the maximum use of all available resources. It also plays a critical role in the success of an employee. Without developing of an effective workplace schedule, an employee cannot manage his/her job related tasks in an appropriate manner. We can take example of a new employee who starts feeling stressed while learning new roles and

Ethics and Criminal Justice Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Ethics and Criminal Justice - Term Paper Example People who follow ethics are highly acknowledged and privileged by the society. Ethics, values and norms are not defined for the sake of knowledge only rather these are invented to be implemented properly. Simple moral ethics include taking care of sick, obeying of elders, avoiding lies, fair dealings etc. All these are common in every society and every religion of the world. Ethics are included in moral philosophy which involves in making moral judgments about the good or bad and right or wrong. It is obvious that these are absolute truths but also these are desirable by every cultured society (Singer 1995). Ethics and moral standards are of high importance in tackling cases of crimes. There has been every kind of big or small crime occurring round the globe. The world is not a quite safe place indeed. Rates of crimes all over the world particularly in US are increasing day by day. Law enforcement agencies are making their extreme efforts in order to make the world a safe place from these things. But since these are a part of society and the persons who conduct such activities are amongst us, we must have to have a system of rules to guide us in such situations which contain morality. No doubt dealing with humanity requires emotions too; but these only are not enough for making tough moral decisions. Here, ethics are defined in order to make justice and to give a message to other criminals too that they would not be spared from the justice in any case. Ethics in criminal justice sets the standards and limitations of the punishment according to the crime. They are quite helpful in determining the sensitivity of the case and to identify its variation. Once the nature of the crime is identified, then the criminals are charged correspondingly. Researches and analysis on ethics and criminal justice involves all those topics which are tagged under the law and justice. Some typical topics are authority of the state, role of law enforcement forces, providing a safe an d equal opportunity work environment which is free of rational and ethnical basis, crimes and prisoners etc. In order to research upon such sensitive and crucial topics, it is important to have a pre-defined set of moral ethics for a proper and fair judgment (Importance of ethics in Criminal Justice 2012). People who study and research upon criminal justice and critical ethics become able to have some analytical skills and logically reasoning abilities by which they can understand the complexities of different cases and tend to solve them with good moral judgments. By studying moral ethics, all such issues which occur within the criminal justice system can be understood well and criminal justice professionals may take lesser time in order to analyze the sensitivity of the case. They became able to draw consequences more quickly and enforce actual punishments as required by the crime. Since these professional are given power and authority to handle cases on their own; and in some cas es they may use or permit the use of physical force upon the criminals, it is necessary for them to have an in-depth knowledge of moral ethics so that they can distinguish between the limits and try as much as possible to keep make humanitarian decisions. They must not mis-use their authority and must not use it for personal purposes and benefits (Felkenes 1987). Since the subject of ethics belongs to the philosophy of life, we must understand and elaborate it in these terms. There

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Time management in the workplace Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Time management in the workplace - Term Paper Example Time management is important in every field of life, such as, in schools, at workplace, or even at home. In the present world, every person has to do many tasks daily, which need him/her to have excellent time management skills because without making a proper schedule, it becomes very difficult for a person to manage the routine tasks efficiently and effectively. Time management in the workplace is a very important concept related to increased workplace productivity. If the employees organize and schedule their time, as it should be, it not only increases their productivity but also increases overall productivity of the company. Without effective time management, it becomes very difficult for the employees to manage their job related tasks in an appropriate manner. Effective time management helps employees organize and learn the ways to spend their time at the workplace, allows employees to utilize the resources efficiently, and makes employees deal with every task with full dedicati on and commitment. Developing an effective schedule for the workplace is extremely important for the employees of any company or organization because it not only helps employees plan for the unplanned works but also makes them more productive and efficient. An important point regarding time management is that it should be able to adapt to the changes in the workplace. Certain things can happen at the workplace, such as, an unexpected work given by the manager, an urgent order placement by a customer, or failure of technology. Therefore, in order to face these kinds of situations, employees need to develop a schedule, which should have some capacity to accommodate unexpected situations. Another important point related to effective time management schedule is the sequence of works. Employees need to put the works in the queue based on the level of priority. Most relevant works should be done first in order to escape from all sorts of time shortage troubles. â€Å"Good time management involves keeping a schedule of the tasks and activities that have been deemed important† (Estes). If an employee does not care for the priority of works while developing the time management schedule, it can create severe problems for the employee in case of any unexpected addition of a task to the schedule. Therefore, adding the tasks in the schedule in the order of their significance is a very important concept regarding effective time management. Some employees need to develop their schedule once a week or once a month whereas some employees need to reschedule their activities on daily basis. Therefore, an important thing for an employee is to look at the nature of the job and develop the time management schedule accordingly. Moreover, employees need to avoid all sorts of distractions in order to become more productive and focused. Employees need to focus towards their work in order to complete their job related tasks within time. Distractions divert the concentration of em ployees affecting their level of productivity. Importance of Time Management Time management at the workplace is a very important concept for every employee working for any company or organization. Time management makes an employee get the maximum use of all available resources. It also plays a critical role in the success of an employee. Without developing of an effective workplace schedule, an employee cannot manage his/her job related tasks in an appropriate manner. We can take example of a new employee who starts feeling stressed while learning new roles and

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Freud's interpretation of the dream of Irma's Injection Essay - 1

Freud's interpretation of the dream of Irma's Injection - Essay Example When studying ideas such as Freud’s from secondary sources one may find that some of them are in conflict with each other and others even controversial; a situation that raises questions about the reliability of the sources used in such a study. An analysis of the Freud’s interpretation therefore ought to be first preceded by an analytical discussion of these sources detailing how one may discern their reliability and scenarios where imperfect sources may be used. In light of this, the first goal of this study is to analyze such sources as described previously. This will then be followed by the second goal which is to analyze some of Freud’s interpretation of the dream of Irma’s injection. The guiding theme for this study is reliability of sources that offer proper and correct analysis of Freud’s interpretation of the dream of Irma’s injection. Analysis of Sources of Study. Several descriptions of the era that the world is currently in have been put forward but one that stands out and stands strong in scrutiny is that we are living in the information era. Information is being generated at higher rates than seen before, analyzed and critiqued by several individuals followed by distribution from the primary and secondary sources involved. This results in varied perspectives of looking at even a single line of study. Furthermore, the advent of the internet has made distribution, availability and sharing of information quite easy. While this is to a large extent advantageous, the issue of information literacy crops up. That is, the lifelong capability of students and researchers to discern which source is reliable, conceptually correct and replicable (Armstrong 17). The implications of using unreliable sources include the fact that incorrect information may be amplified besides disregard of an individual’s entire work i f it is realized that their sources are

World War II Debates Essay Example for Free

World War II Debates Essay Even though the 1920’s began with a favorable outlook for peace, towards the end of the decade and throughout the 1930’s the clouds of war were forming. Dictators arose in countries that were dissatisfied with the results of World War I. Germany, Italy, and Japan took aggressive actions, and neither the League of Nations nor the democratic countries were able or willing to stop them. British Prime Minister Chamberlain suggested the best way to deal with Hitler was the policy of appeasement. Actions were taken that moved Europe toward war. The debate over the causes of World War II provides different perspectives. There were several factors as to why the world was plunged into World War II in 1939. At the end of WWI, the Treaty of Versailles was established. This being one of those issues having aggravated many nations. In example, reparations often ad to be paid for things like war damages as well as being forced to lessen their militaries. Both Italy and Japan were promised land- they never got the land- so ultimately this led to feeling of revenge for their anger over the situation. The Great Depression had a huge effect on Germany’s economic trouble. This caused the people to desire a leader who was not only strong but who would also be an authoritative figure for their nation. Being that authoritative figure, both Hitler and Mussolini rose to power. This triggered the beginning of WWII. Especially with the force that Hitler was willing to use when saying that Germany needed to unite all its people under one government- the Reich- to do this, he believed that they needed to fight to get what the need accomplished. This force being the â€Å"sword† (AS SEEN IN DOCUMENT 1) Appeasement is giving into an aggressors demands so peace will be had. European countries often thought that this was the proper actions to take. Appeasement is far from an effective way to dealing with aggressions. Appeasement has to do with the aggression of the axis nations in World War II. This took place when Italy invaded Ethiopia. Eventually to conquer and avenge the loss to Ethiopians in 1896. Haile Selassie, Ethiopian king, appeals to the League of Nations. To no avail. Which was led by Britain and France, to aid in fighting off Mussolini’s forces. The League of Nations proved ineffective. This proves that Britain and France disliked any fight. Haile wanted to stop the Italian aggression. If the aggression was not stopped, he, the aggressor, would attack others. Aggressors should not be appeased (AS SEEN IN DOCUMENT 2). As seen by Winston Churchill, the aggressor must be stopped, Britain, France, and the other countries must join together in a collective security to stop aggression. They should have stopped Hitler when he seized Austria or threatened Czechoslovakia, which was later taken over. The British government is to blame, as it weakened the League of Nations and did not build up their defenses leaving the state in a disaster. The British government also didn’t stop Germany from rebuilding the army. It is pointed out to us that Winston believed that Britain lost the chance to increase Nazi Germany. (AS SEEN IN DOCUMENT 6). (AS SEEN IN EXCERPT 7), Kennan offers his belief that appeasement was unnecessary because Czechoslovakia was strong enough to save itself. And German officials were about to overthrow Hitler. (AS SEEN IN DOCUMENT 8), Historian Taylor defend appeasement. He also states that there was little basis for suggesting that Germans would reject Hitler since they had put him in power and supported him. Other countries were also worried about Russian expansion into Europe. Also, (AS SEEN IN DOCUMENT 5) Chamberlain suggested appeasement because he believed â€Å"good will and determination: could solve differences among countries peacefully. He said they could not fight to save Czechoslovakia because it is a small country, But he is willing to fight over big issues, Specifically, he says he will fight to stop a country that is using force to take over the world , but he does not want war and rather prefers appeasement. Another factor includes a violation of the Treaty of Versailles, by Hitler, when sending German troops into the Rhineland as he said it was time for Germany to be treated as an equal to the rest of the countries of Europe and no longer as a defeated, punished nation. France however went to the League of Nations and asked that Germany be removed from the Rhineland diplomatically or by a stronger force if seen necessary. Western democracies were adopted with the appeasement to keep the peace. The League of Nations did not take action to terminate these attacks (AS SEEN IN DOCUMENT 3). The Munich agreement also proves that appeasement is not the answer for peace. During the Munich Conference, Germans got the OK to occupy Sudetenland, Czechoslovakia only if to promise not to invade more countries (AS SEEN IN DOCUMENT 4). (AS SEEN IN DOCUMENT 9) Keith Eubank claims that the countries of Europe, including Britain and France, were not willing to fight because Hitler had done nothing to warrant their returning to the conditions they had suffered in WWI. All the countries had other interests and they were not willing to unite to stop Hitler. Collective security was not the route to take at this time. Stalin, Roosevelt and Churchill demanded Germany split into factions to be controlled by their respective countries and France, but Hitler refused. Allied forces and the Red Army invaded Berlin and Hitler committed suicide. America quickly ended the war in the Pacific with two nuclear weapons dropped on Japan. The War ended in the Summer of 1945. It is estimated that 50 million people lost their lives during World War 2.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Bernard Berelson A Content Analysis Media Essay

Bernard Berelson A Content Analysis Media Essay According to Bernard Berelson, Content Analysis refers to a research technique for the objective, systematic and quantitative description of clear content of communication (Berelson, 1952). It is a research instrument that is focused on the actual content and internal features of media. Content Analysis is used to establish the presence of certain words, themes, concepts, characters, phrases or sentences within a given text. It enumerates this presence in an objective manner. This text include books, essays, interviews, discussions, newspapers headlines and articles, conversations, speeches, or even historical documents. In order for you to conduct a content analysis on a text, you need to code or break down the text into manageable classes on different levels and then examine them. The outcomes of the analysis are then used to make conclusions on the messages within the texts, the audience and writers. For example when analyzing a text, you will be able to point out significant feat ures such as the purpose of the coverage, discrimination, biases and mistakes made by the authors or publishers (Carney, 1972). Owing to the fact that it can be used to examine any given piece of writing or happening of recorded communication, content analysis is widely used in marketing, literature analysis, media studies, cultural studies and many more areas. Content analysis has different uses. It is used to detect the presence of propaganda in any given communication (Weber 1990). For example when a presidential candidate is giving his campaign speech, he may say some words that are not true about his rivals so as to win the hearts of the people while on the other hand, misleading the people and hiding the truth from them. This study also helps analyze how media treat different issues like political and social. Sometimes the media is bias in presenting social issues. It focuses more on the political issues while only highlighting on social issues (Carney, 1972). This tells you where the media interest lays It may also be used to reveal the differences in the content of international communication (Weber 1990). For example the current issue that is of international interest is the global warming issue. Different countries communicate this issue in a different way. Some countries like the African countries blame the developed countries for the pandemic while the developed countries are of different view. If you carry out the content analysis of such headline you may be able to establish the point of conflict in the presentation. You will also be able to note the frequently used words and symbols that may generate a meaning with time. This factor is also used by the media in the agenda setting process (Carney, 1972). The media decide what issue is important and should be given emphasis, after they have done a content analysis. You can also use content analysis to show the attitude and behavior that people display in response to a given communication (Carney, 1972). By studying peopleà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s reaction or comments on a given issue, you will be able to tell whether they are pleased with what they are hearing, seeing or reading. Most medium ask people to give their comments on a given contemporary issue. With newspaper we have the opinion columns. After the public has given its comment, the medium takes time to analyze the issue and from there they take the next step and address the issue. If it is in regard to a given issue that concerns a given company, institution or individual, the information is given to them for an action to be taken. It also helps in making out the intention, focus or the trends in communication of a group, institution or individual. When carrying out content analysis, you will be able to tell the aim of a given communication (Weber 1990). For example having a conversation or an interview with someone, you can make out the hidden information. If you ask someone something as he is taking water for example and he choke on the drink, you are likely to think that he did not expect such a question, maybe because he is shocked that you know about it or he did not know about it. This is not enough to make a conclusion since there are several assumptions. You will be in a position to make a good judgment as the speech continues. The media adopts this use and carry out investigation reports in relation to issues that are of hidden agenda. Before presenting these issues they analyze the result, and then come up with a conclusion. Content analysis can also be used to establish the emotional or psychological state of an individual or group (Carney, 1972). Most of the time, we are driven by our emotions or thoughts to talk in a give way. For example if you read a letter from someone who is angry, the anger will be manifested in the content of the letter and the language used. How the media treat and handle news stories from a given individual or group, will indicate what their attitude towards this individual or group. For example on the gay issue which is still unacceptable in some given countries, you will find the media depicting them as outcasts in the society. When we carry out this study we do it to determine the attitude of the media towards given individuals and groups in the society. The media helps in a great way to shape peoples views, and how people interpret issues is mostly dependent on how the media presents it. We have two general categories of content analysis: conceptual and rational analysis. This helps establish how to carry out a content analysis (Budd, 1967). Conceptual analysis is where you establish the existence and how often concepts are used in a text. In conceptual analysis a term in selected and examined and the number of times it appears in the text recorded. Since terms may be used implicitly as well as explicitly, it is important to establish the meaning of these terms before beginning the counting process. Conceptual analysis begins by recognizing research questions and choosing samples. Once you have chosen the samples, you proceed to break down the content into manageable categories. This process of breaking down the content is done by à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å"removing some words while keeping the meaning of the content. Breaking down the content into meaningful and potential unit of information, you will be able to interpret and analyze certain characters of the message (Weber 199 0). For example you may choose a text and decide to examine the number of positive words used in the argument as opposed to the number of negative words. Here you will only be interested in how many times the words occur and not what is their relation. You mainly focus on the words in relation to your research question to see whether there is a strong presence of the positive or negative words used to present a specific argument. The second category is the rational analysis. It builds on conceptual analysis by examining the relationships among concepts in a given text. It is important to first decide which concept types will be looked at in the analysis (Budd, 1967). Using too many categories interfere with your results and using too few categories may lead to invalid conclusions. It is therefore important of allow the context and necessities of your research to guide your coding procedure. Relational analysis is popular because of the many techniques it has. You can device your own procedure based on the nature of your project. The relational analysis is time consuming but it maintains a high degree of statistical thoroughness without losing the meaning of the detail. It is important to use content analysis as it looks directly at communication through text or record, hence helps get a central aspect of social relations (Carney, 1972). It can also provide important historical and cultural insights over time through analyzing the texts. Content analysis allow for quantitative and qualitative procedures. It provides insight into human complex thought and language use. When done well, it can be a precise research method. It also allows statistical closeness to text that can alternate between specific categories and relationship. Content analysis also has some disadvantages. It can be extremely time consuming. It is a subject to errors, particularly when you use rational analysis is used (Budd, 1967). It can be difficult to computerize information you have achieved at the end of the research. It has the tendency of ignoring the context that produces the text as well as the state of things after the text is produced. It is often reductive when dealing with complex text. This means that some information may not be analyzed (Carney, 1972). In conclusion content analysis is applicable in the media when determining the news worthiness of a story. It is also important when undertaking the process of agenda setting in the media house. Most media adapt content analysis for the purpose of weekly review of different issues it has covered over the week. It can therefore be said to be an important aspect in media management.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Social Anxiety :: Biology Essays Research Papers

Social Anxiety A woman hates to stand in line in the grocery store because she's afraid that everyone is watching her. She knows that it's not really true, but she can't shake the feeling. While she is shopping, she is conscious of the fact that people might be staring at her from the big mirrors on the inside front of the ceiling. Now, she has to talk to the person who's checking out her groceries. She tries to smile, but her voice comes out weakly. She's sure she's making a fool of herself. Her self-consciousness and anxiety rise to the roof...(Richards 1) (1). A student won't attend her university classes on the first day because she knows that in some classes the professor will instruct them to go around the room and introduce themselves. Just thinking about sitting there, waiting to introduce herself to a roomful of strangers who will be staring at her makes her feel nauseous. She knows she won't be able to think clearly because her anxiety will be so high, and she is sure she will leave out important details...The anxiety is just too much to bear---so she skips the first day of class to avoid the possibility of having to introduce herself in class... (Richards 2) (2). These are just two examples of how people who suffer from social anxiety disorder feel about social situations and everyday interactions. Their fears can be paralyzing. Social anxiety disorder is the third largest psychological problem in the United States. It affects approximately 15 million Americans every year. It is a widely misunderstood disorder, where nearly 90% of people with social anxiety disorder are misdiagnosed. They are often misdiagnosed with schizophrenia, manic-depression, clinical depression, panic disorder, and or personality disorder (Richards 1-3). Misdiagnosis and undertreatment of anxiety disorders, according to "The Economic Burden of Anxiety Disorders," a study commissioned by the ADAA, costs the United States more than $42 billion a year and more than $22.84 billion is linked to the repeated use of healthcare services for symptoms that mimic physical illness. In addition, people with anxiety disorder are three-to-five times more likely to go to the doctor and six times more likely to be hospitalized for psychiatric disorders when compared to those who do not suffer from anxiety disorders ("Brief Overview of Anxiety Disorder s" 2) (3). Social anxiety disorder can be defined as the persistent fear of one or more social or performance situations in which the person is exposed to unfamiliar people or to possible scrutiny by others, and where exposure to such situations provokes anxiety.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Frank Lloyd Wright :: essays research papers

Frank Lloyd Wright   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Frank Lloyd Wright, in my mind, is the greatest architect I’ve ever seen. He had a big fetish with building his houses encompassed with nature and that really interested me.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Frank Lloyd Wright is widely regarded as one of the most influential figures in modern Western architecture. His radically innovative designs, utilizing a building based on nature. Said by Wright as organic architecture. He was born in Richland Center, Wisconsin, June 8, 1867 and died on April 9, 1959. It was a standard of his passion and commitment to his field of work that he continued working right up to the time of his death.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  After studying civil engineering at the University of Wisconsin, he moved to Chicago in 1887, where he went to work as an apprentice for Louis Sullivan. He began there to design and independently build private houses for some of Sullivan’s clients. This was known as “moonlighting';. These houses soon revealed an independent talent that was distinct from that of Sullivan. Wright’s houses had low, sweeping rooflines hanging over uninterrupted walls of windows. His plans were centered on massive brick or stone fireplaces at the heart of the house. His rooms became wide open to one another and the overall configuration of his plans became more and more alike, reaching out toward some real or imagined expansive horizon.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In contrast to the openness of those houses and as if in conflict with their immediate city environment, Wright’s urban buildings tend to be walled in with light entering primarily from above, through skylights. These features contrasted with those of his mentor’s, Sullivan, work. Wright’s distaste for urban environments and his embrace of the natural environment are observed in the contrasting features of some of his finest buildings in the early 1900s: the Unity Church in Oak Park, Illinois; compared with Buffalo’s Martin House and Chicago’s Robie House. The houses are characterized by large, glazed walls, terraces, and low-slung roof overhangs.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Well, in 1893, the issue of Wright’s moonlighting escapades finally arose and Sullivan was forced to fire Wright. Sullivan felt very betrayed by this. Wright was forced to work on his own which pleased him either way. This gave him more freedom. During the next 20 years, he became one of the best known architects in the United States. Wright’s fame in Europe was promoted due to the publication in 1910 and 1911 by Berlin’s Wasmuth of two editions of Wright’s work as well as an exhibition that traveled throughout Europe.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Different Forms Of Ownership

A business that is carried on by a sole proprietorship is owned by one person, who also usually runs and manages the business. There may or may not be people working in the business these are referred to as employees of the business and the owner is the employer. The sole proprietorship receives all profits and is legally required to bear and satisfy all losses personally. The sole proprietorship is personally liable for debts of the business. So that, the sole proprietorship has unlimited liability to repay amounts owing, or debts, of the business.For example, if the business incurs debts resulting from a warranty claim, then the individual will be held responsible for those debts, and any claims will be made against the individual’s personal assets. As well, sole proprietorships are taxed under the personal tax system. The sole proprietorship it is easy to set up and may only require registration of the business name and is free to run the business as he or she thinks best a nd is not answerable to a boss. As for the name of the business, the name of the owner or any other name may be used.Normally, a sole proprietorship business requires a small amount of capital to start with, compared with other forms of business entities. Examples of sole proprietorship businesses are tailor shops, beauty saloons, restaurants, launderettes and mini market. Partnership is an association of two or more persons or entities that carry on business as partners. The partners usually run and manage the business. However, there may be a silent partner who does not take any part in the running of the business even though they have contributed capital to the partnership.In a partnership, each partner is personally liable for all debts incurred by the business; in the event of the firm’s failure, each partner’s personal assets are jeopardized. In the partnership, the partners should have a legal agreement that sets forth how decisions will be made, profits will be shared, disputes will be resolved, how future partners will be admitted to the partnership, how partners can be bought out, and what steps will be taken to dissolve the partnership when needed. There are two basics forms of partnerships, general and limited.In a general partnership, all partners have unlimited liability, while in a limited partnership, at least one partner has liability limited only to his or her investment while at least one other partner has full liability. Examples of partnership are law or accounting firms, medical or dental practices In partnership that are many kind of partner, for example: Ostensible Partner: Active and known as a partner. Secret Partner: Active but not known or held out as a partner. Dormant Partner: Inactive and not known or held out as a partner. Silent Partner: Inactive (but may be known to be a partner)Nominal Partner: Not a true partner in any sense, not being a party to the partnership agreement. However, a nominal partner holds him o r herself out as a partner, or permits others to make such representation by the use of his/her name or otherwise A company is a separate legal entity formed under the Corporations Act 2001. Commonly, its owners are called shareholders and their ownership interests are represented by shares in the company. The separate legal status of the company has many implications for the entity. First, the company can enter into contracts, incur debts and pay taxes independently of its owners.The owners pay individual taxes only on the company profit paid out to them in the form of salaries, bonuses and dividends. The shareholders are not liable for the company’s debts once the shares they hold have been paid for in full. For example, if a company issued $1 shares, with 60 cents payable on application and the remaining 40 cents payable by future installments, the shareholders’ liability in the event of the company collapsing would be remaining 40 cents on each share they own. This feature is known as limited liability; that is, their obligation is limited to the amount, if any, unpaid on their shares.As a separate legal entity, a company has many of the rights, duties and responsibilities of a natural person. It can, through its agents, buy, own and sell property in its own name and engage in business activities by entering into contracts with others. It has legal status in a court and can sue and be sued, is legally responsible for its liabilities, and must pay income tax just as a natural person does. Different type of business ownership has different type of characteristics, what is the different between each other?The major different characteristics of each other are tax consideration, liability, duration, ease and cost of set up. Tax Consideration The sole proprietorship any income to the business is treated as income to the business owner and all income is reported on individual tax return, and is taxed in the year it is received. Business deductions a re permitted. While in partnership, a Partnership Agreement can allocate the profits or losses in any ratio agreed to between the partners but if there is no Agreement, the profits must be allocated equally.Business deductions are taken by the partnership before the income is distributed to the partners and claimed on their personal tax returns. The profit of a company is taxed to the company when earned, and then is taxed to the shareholders when distributed as dividends. This creates a double tax. The corporation does not get a tax deduction when it distributes dividends to shareholders. Shareholders cannot deduct any loss of the corporation. Liability In Sole proprietors have unlimited liability and are legally responsible for all debts against the business. Their business and personal assets are at risk.In Partnership, partners are liable for all the debts of the business and the full amount of these debts can be collected from one or more of the partners rather than the debt be ing equally shared. Partners can also be held liable for acts committed by one of their partners in the normal course of business. Owners of a Company have the liability protection of a corporation. That is because, the company exists as a separate entity much like a corporation. A company member cannot be held personally liable for debts unless they have signed a personal guarantee. Ownership interestsOwnership interests in a company may be sold to third parties without disturbing the continued operation of the business. A sole proprietorship or partnership, on the other hand, cannot be sold whole Duration The sole proprietorship remains in existence for as long as the owner is willing or able to stay in business. When the owner dies, the sole proprietorship no longer exists. The assets and liabilities of the business become part of the owner's estate. A sole proprietor can freely transfer a business by selling all or a portion of the assets of the business.In partnership the busin ess organization ends with death, incapacity, withdrawal or bankruptcy of any partner, unless otherwise agreed to in a Partnership Agreement. In company form a continuity of life, it has the power to exist forever and, therefore, is unaffected by the death of an owner or manager or by the transfer of ownership interests. Ease and cost of set up The sole proprietorship and partnership it is easy to set up and may register a trade name to promote its products and services. While in company, a company must be registered with the Registrar of Companies.Company cost more to set up and run than a sole proprietorship or partnership. For example, there are the initial formation fees, filing fees and annual state fees. However, these costs are partially offset by lower insurance costs. Flexible Beside that, a partnership may be relatively more flexible in the decision making process than in a corporation. But, it may be less so than in a sole proprietorship. That is because sole proprietorsh ip management is able to respond quickly to business needs in the form of day to day management decisions as governed by various laws and good sense.Capital Rising A corporation has many avenues to raise capital. It can sell shares of stock and create new types of stock, such as preferred stock, with different voting or profit characteristics. Partnership difficult to rising additional capital but easier than sole proprietorship, that is because, sole proprietorship are the only owner, therefore can’t sell any shares to fund business growth, and banks are more skeptical about lending money to sole proprietorships. There are several advantages to being a sole proprietorship.First, the sole proprietorship entity is a quick, inexpensive and easy form of business to establish, and can be inexpensive to wind down. In this type of business, there are no specific business taxes paid by the company. The owner pays taxes on income from the business as part of personal income tax payme nts. A sole proprietor has complete control and decision-making power over the business, and is therefore free to choose the direction of the business and it strategies and policies.Sale or transfer can take place at the discretion of the sole proprietor. Sole proprietorship can control all the asset and money of business and can take  money out of company for personal use at any time, as long as make sure the business bills are paid. Sole proprietorship is relative freedom from government control. The further advantage is that the owner claims all the profits of the business. There are several disadvantages to being a sole proprietorship. Sole proprietorship’s business is not a separate legal entity. Therefore, if the business is involved in any form of legal dispute, the individual owner has unlimited liability, which means the sole proprietor of the business can be held personally liable for the debts and obligations of the business.Additionally, this risk extends to any liabilities incurred as a result of acts committed by employees of the company. The sole proprietorship relatively limited viewpoint and experience that is because sole proprietorship is limited by the skill, time and investment of the individual owner. Sole proprietorship are unstable business life, the enterprise may be crippled or terminated upon illness or death of the owner. There are several advantages to being a partnership. First, the partnerships are relatively easy to set up however time should be invested in developing the partnership agreement.Partnership files informational tax return. Partnership income is reportable and taxed on partners’ personal income tax returns. The main advantage of a partnership over a sole proprietorship is that the partnership combines the skills, talents, and knowledge of two or more people, and all partners have equal rights in the management of the partnership business The main disadvantages of partnership are partnership is charac terized by unlimited liability. Therefore, the partners are fully responsible for all business debts and obligations, irrespective of their involvement in the entity.The partnership form has a limited life therefore it may end with death, incapacity, withdrawal or bankruptcy of any partner. A great number of partnerships find themselves involved in disputes because of disagreements concerning profit sharing or decision making for the business. Partnership is limited financial therefore it may only borrow money or use partners’ savings. Must be dissolved and reformed to admit additional partners wishing to invest. A further disadvantage is known as mutual agency. Mutual agency is every partner acts as an agent for the partnership and for every other partner.Therefore, a partner can represent the other partners and bind them to a contract if he or she is acting within the apparent scope of the business. Partnership is relative difficulty in obtaining large sums of capital. This is particularly true of long term financing when compared to a corporation. However, by using individual partners' assets, opportunities are probably greater than in a proprietorship. The main advantages of forming a company is the limited liability protection provided to its owners. Because a corporation is considered a separate legal entity, the shareholders have limited liability for the corporation's debts.The personal assets of shareholders are not at risk for satisfying corporate debts or liabilities. Companies are attractive investment. The built-in stock structure of a corporation makes it attractive to investors. The company form has a continuity of life, it has the power to exist forever and, therefore, is unaffected by the death of an owner or manager or by the transfer of ownership interests. Other advantages of company is taxation, owners of a company only pay taxes on company profits paid to them in the form of salaries, bonuses, and dividends. The company pays taxes, at the company rate, on any profits.Companies also have the ability to raise large amounts of capital through public share offerings. Companies have a set management structure. The owners of a company are shareholders, who elect a Board of Directors, which then elects the officers. Other than the election of directors, shareholders do not participate in the operations of the company. There are several disadvantages to the company form of business structure. First, the company is more expensive and time-consuming to establish. Companies are monitored by federal, state and some local agencies, and as a result may have more paperwork to comply with regulations.Company set up cost are expansive that is because company have to pay many fees to set up the business there are the initial formation fees, filing fees and annual state fees. Beside that, paperwork is a huge component of the company formalities that must followed. For example, business bank accounts and records must be maintain ed and kept separate from personal accounts and assets. . In company may result in higher overall taxes. C corporations have potential double-tax consequences — once when the company makes its profit, and a second time when dividends are paid to shareholders.S corporations can mitigate this tax issue. Company is disclosure of names of corporate officers and directors. Most states do not require that names of shareholders be a matter of public record; however, many states require that the names and addresses of corporate officers and directors be listed on one or more documents filed with the Secretary of State. The proper corporate formalities of organizing and running a corporation must be followed, to receive the benefits of being a corporation. I preferred form a sole proprietorship. Sole proprietorship business has many advantages suitable to form in Malaysia.First, a sole proprietorship is the most basic of all forms of business ownerships. Many small businesses are sole proprietorships. Next, a sole proprietorship is easy to establish compare to partnership and company. Sole proprietorship doesn’t have to do anything special or file papers to set one up. Sole proprietorship typically requires few if any legal documents and minimal record keeping. Beside that, sole proprietorship may register a trade name to promote its products and services. The sole proprietorship is not a taxable entity.Income from the organization is simply added to the owner’s personal income to determine taxable income. Sole proprietorship only one person involved in the business therefore it is easy to dissolve if and when the person decides to stop operating as a business. A sole proprietorship is the least expensive type of business structure to establish. There is no need for a lawyer or for an excessive amount of money to be set aside in order to pay a number of fees. Corporations are much more expensive to start up. Therefore, sole proprietorship can be st arted fairly easily with minimal capital requirements. Different Forms of Ownership A business that is carried on by a sole proprietorship is owned by one person, who also usually runs and manages the business. There may or may not be people working in the business these are referred to as employees of the business and the owner is the employer. The sole proprietorship receives all profits and is legally required to bear and satisfy all losses personally. The sole proprietorship is personally liable for debts of the business. So that, the sole proprietorship has unlimited liability to repay amounts owing, or debts, of the business.For example, if the business incurs debts resulting from a warranty claim, then the individual will be held responsible for those debts, and any claims will be made against the individual’s personal assets. As well, sole proprietorships are taxed under the personal tax system. The sole proprietorship it is easy to set up and may only require registration of the business name and is free to run the business as he or she thinks best a nd is not answerable to a boss. As for the name of the business, the name of the owner or any other name may be used.Normally, a sole proprietorship business requires a small amount of capital to start with, compared with other forms of business entities. Examples of sole proprietorship businesses are tailor shops, beauty saloons, restaurants, launderettes and mini market. Partnership is an association of two or more persons or entities that carry on business as partners. The partners usually run and manage the business. However, there may be a silent partner who does not take any part in the running of the business even though they have contributed capital to the partnership.In a partnership, each partner is personally liable for all debts incurred by the business; in the event of the firm’s failure, each partner’s personal assets are jeopardized. In the partnership, the partners should have a legal agreement that sets forth how decisions will be made, profits will be shared, disputes will be resolved, how future partners will be admitted to the partnership, how partners can be bought out, and what steps will be taken to dissolve the partnership when needed. There are two basics forms of partnerships, general and limited.In a general partnership, all partners have unlimited liability, while in a limited partnership, at least one partner has liability limited only to his or her investment while at least one other partner has full liability. Examples of partnership are law or accounting firms, medical or dental practices In partnership that are many kind of partner, for example: Ostensible Partner: Active and known as a partner. Secret Partner: Active but not known or held out as a partner. Dormant Partner: Inactive and not known or held out as a partner. Silent Partner: Inactive (but may be known to be a partner)Nominal Partner: Not a true partner in any sense, not being a party to the partnership agreement. However, a nominal partner holds him o r herself out as a partner, or permits others to make such representation by the use of his/her name or otherwise A company is a separate legal entity formed under the Corporations Act 2001. Commonly, its owners are called shareholders and their ownership interests are represented by shares in the company. The separate legal status of the company has many implications for the entity. First, the company can enter into contracts, incur debts and pay taxes independently of its owners.The owners pay individual taxes only on the company profit paid out to them in the form of salaries, bonuses and dividends. The shareholders are not liable for the company’s debts once the shares they hold have been paid for in full. For example, if a company issued $1 shares, with 60 cents payable on application and the remaining 40 cents payable by future installments, the shareholders’ liability in the event of the company collapsing would be remaining 40 cents on each share they own. This feature is known as limited liability; that is, their obligation is limited to the amount, if any, unpaid on their shares.As a separate legal entity, a company has many of the rights, duties and responsibilities of a natural person. It can, through its agents, buy, own and sell property in its own name and engage in business activities by entering into contracts with others. It has legal status in a court and can sue and be sued, is legally responsible for its liabilities, and must pay income tax just as a natural person does. Different type of business ownership has different type of characteristics, what is the different between each other?The major different characteristics of each other are tax consideration, liability, duration, ease and cost of set up. Tax Consideration The sole proprietorship any income to the business is treated as income to the business owner and all income is reported on individual tax return, and is taxed in the year it is received. Business deductions a re permitted. While in partnership, a Partnership Agreement can allocate the profits or losses in any ratio agreed to between the partners but if there is no Agreement, the profits must be allocated equally.Business deductions are taken by the partnership before the income is distributed to the partners and claimed on their personal tax returns. The profit of a company is taxed to the company when earned, and then is taxed to the shareholders when distributed as dividends. This creates a double tax. The corporation does not get a tax deduction when it distributes dividends to shareholders. Shareholders cannot deduct any loss of the corporation. Liability In Sole proprietors have unlimited liability and are legally responsible for all debts against the business. Their business and personal assets are at risk.In Partnership, partners are liable for all the debts of the business and the full amount of these debts can be collected from one or more of the partners rather than the debt be ing equally shared. Partners can also be held liable for acts committed by one of their partners in the normal course of business. Owners of a Company have the liability protection of a corporation. That is because, the company exists as a separate entity much like a corporation. A company member cannot be held personally liable for debts unless they have signed a personal guarantee. Ownership interestsOwnership interests in a company may be sold to third parties without disturbing the continued operation of the business. A sole proprietorship or partnership, on the other hand, cannot be sold whole Duration The sole proprietorship remains in existence for as long as the owner is willing or able to stay in business. When the owner dies, the sole proprietorship no longer exists. The assets and liabilities of the business become part of the owner's estate. A sole proprietor can freely transfer a business by selling all or a portion of the assets of the business.In partnership the busin ess organization ends with death, incapacity, withdrawal or bankruptcy of any partner, unless otherwise agreed to in a Partnership Agreement. In company form a continuity of life, it has the power to exist forever and, therefore, is unaffected by the death of an owner or manager or by the transfer of ownership interests. Ease and cost of set up The sole proprietorship and partnership it is easy to set up and may register a trade name to promote its products and services. While in company, a company must be registered with the Registrar of Companies.Company cost more to set up and run than a sole proprietorship or partnership. For example, there are the initial formation fees, filing fees and annual state fees. However, these costs are partially offset by lower insurance costs. Flexible Beside that, a partnership may be relatively more flexible in the decision making process than in a corporation. But, it may be less so than in a sole proprietorship. That is because sole proprietorsh ip management is able to respond quickly to business needs in the form of day to day management decisions as governed by various laws and good sense.Capital Rising A corporation has many avenues to raise capital. It can sell shares of stock and create new types of stock, such as preferred stock, with different voting or profit characteristics. Partnership difficult to rising additional capital but easier than sole proprietorship, that is because, sole proprietorship are the only owner, therefore can’t sell any shares to fund business growth, and banks are more skeptical about lending money to sole proprietorships. There are several advantages to being a sole proprietorship.First, the sole proprietorship entity is a quick, inexpensive and easy form of business to establish, and can be inexpensive to wind down. In this type of business, there are no specific business taxes paid by the company. The owner pays taxes on income from the business as part of personal income tax payme nts. A sole proprietor has complete control and decision-making power over the business, and is therefore free to choose the direction of the business and it strategies and policies. Sale or transfer can take place at the discretion of the sole proprietor.Sole proprietorship can control all the asset and money of business and can take  money out of company for personal use at any time, as long as make sure the business bills are paid. Sole proprietorship is relative freedom from government control. The further advantage is that the owner claims all the profits of the business. There are several disadvantages to being a sole proprietorship. Sole proprietorship’s business is not a separate legal entity. Therefore, if the business is involved in any form of legal dispute, the individual owner has unlimited liability, which means the sole proprietor of the business can be held personally liable for the debts and obligations of the business.Additionally, this risk extends to any liabilities incurred as a result of acts committed by employees of the company. The sole proprietorship relatively limited viewpoint and experience that is because sole proprietorship is limited by the skill, time and investment of the individual owner. Sole proprietorship are unstable business life, the enterprise may be crippled or terminated upon illness or death of the owner. There are several advantages to being a partnership. First, the partnerships are relatively easy to set up however time should be invested in developing the partnership agreement.Partnership files informational tax return. Partnership income is reportable and taxed on partners’ personal income tax returns. The main advantage of a partnership over a sole proprietorship is that the partnership combines the skills, talents, and knowledge of two or more people, and all partners have equal rights in the management of the partnership business The main disadvantages of partnership are partnership is charac terized by unlimited liability. Therefore, the partners are fully responsible for all business debts and obligations, irrespective of their involvement in the entity.The partnership form has a limited life therefore it may end with death, incapacity, withdrawal or bankruptcy of any partner. A great number of partnerships find themselves involved in disputes because of disagreements concerning profit sharing or decision making for the business. Partnership is limited financial therefore it may only borrow money or use partners’ savings. Must be dissolved and reformed to admit additional partners wishing to invest. A further disadvantage is known as mutual agency. Mutual agency is every partner acts as an agent for the partnership and for every other partner.Therefore, a partner can represent the other partners and bind them to a contract if he or she is acting within the apparent scope of the business. Partnership is relative difficulty in obtaining large sums of capital. This is particularly true of long term financing when compared to a corporation. However, by using individual partners' assets, opportunities are probably greater than in a proprietorship. The main advantages of forming a company is the limited liability protection provided to its owners. Because a corporation is considered a separate legal entity, the shareholders have limited liability for the corporation's debts.The personal assets of shareholders are not at risk for satisfying corporate debts or liabilities. Companies are attractive investment. The built-in stock structure of a corporation makes it attractive to investors. The company form has a continuity of life, it has the power to exist forever and, therefore, is unaffected by the death of an owner or manager or by the transfer of ownership interests. Other advantages of company is taxation, owners of a company only pay taxes on company profits paid to them in the form of salaries, bonuses, and dividends. The company pays taxes, at the company rate, on any profits.Companies also have the ability to raise large amounts of capital through public share offerings. Companies have a set management structure. The owners of a company are shareholders, who elect a Board of Directors, which then elects the officers. Other than the election of directors, shareholders do not participate in the operations of the company. There are several disadvantages to the company form of business structure. First, the company is more expensive and time-consuming to establish. Companies are monitored by federal, state and some local agencies, and as a result may have more paperwork to comply with regulations.Company set up cost are expansive that is because company have to pay many fees to set up the business there are the initial formation fees, filing fees and annual state fees. Beside that, paperwork is a huge component of the company formalities that must followed. For example, business bank accounts and records must be maintain ed and kept separate from personal accounts and assets. . In company may result in higher overall taxes. C corporations have potential double-tax consequences — once when the company makes its profit, and a second time when dividends are paid to shareholders.S corporations can mitigate this tax issue. Company is disclosure of names of corporate officers and directors. Most states do not require that names of shareholders be a matter of public record; however, many states require that the names and addresses of corporate officers and directors be listed on one or more documents filed with the Secretary of State. The proper corporate formalities of organizing and running a corporation must be followed, to receive the benefits of being a corporation. I preferred form a sole proprietorship. Sole proprietorship business has many advantages suitable to form in Malaysia.First, a sole proprietorship is the most basic of all forms of business ownerships. Many small businesses are sole proprietorships. Next, a sole proprietorship is easy to establish compare to partnership and company. Sole proprietorship doesn’t have to do anything special or file papers to set one up. Sole proprietorship typically requires few if any legal documents and minimal record keeping. Beside that, sole proprietorship may register a trade name to promote its products and services. The sole proprietorship is not a taxable entity.Income from the organization is simply added to the owner’s personal income to determine taxable income. Sole proprietorship only one person involved in the business therefore it is easy to dissolve if and when the person decides to stop operating as a business. A sole proprietorship is the least expensive type of business structure to establish. There is no need for a lawyer or for an excessive amount of money to be set aside in order to pay a number of fees. Corporations are much more expensive to start up. Therefore, sole proprietorship can be st arted fairly easily with minimal capital requirements.